Downloading last month’s data from Accredo
Some notes before you begin:
- We were told by Accredo that their software is often customised – in which case, you may need to adjust the below process to suit your customisation.
- If you are using the Saturn version of Accredo, you’ll need to adjust the process below to reflect how you want to report on your multiple branches and/or departments.
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Last month’s Profit and Loss
Once you’ve launched Accredo, click on the Reports tab, open the General Ledger folder, open the Financial Reports folder, and click on the Financial Reports screen (1). Once the GL Financial Report screen appears, select Excel worksheet in the top drop-down, check the New Excel Workbook option, and next to the Report File Name, click on the button with […] (2)
Select the StatementOfFinancialPerformance.pfd (3) and click Open (4)
Once back in the GL Financial Report screen, for Period (5), select the PREVIOUS (not current) month. Do this by finding the right value in the drop-down list (6)
Click the Run button on the bottom right of the GL Financial Report screen (green triangle) – this action will open up a new Excel window on your computer. The chances are, the file will look something like the screenshot below (7) – save this file to your computer, adjusting the file name to reflect the correct month name (e.g. PandL August 2020)
Feel free to click here to download a sample file to see if yours looks similar.
Last month’s Balance Sheet
Once you’ve launched Accredo, click on the Reports tab, open the General Ledger folder, open the Financial Reports folder, and click on the Financial Reports screen (1). Once the GL Financial Report screen appears, select Excel worksheet in the top drop-down, check the New Excel Workbook option, and next to the Report File Name, click on the button with […] (2)
Select the StatementOfFinancialPosition.pfd report (3) and click Open (4)
Once back in the GL Financial Report screen, for Period (5), select the PREVIOUS (not current) month. Do this by finding the right value in the drop-down list (6)
Click the Run button on the bottom right of the GL Financial Report screen (green triangle) – this action will open up a new Excel window on your computer. The chances are, the file will look something like the screenshot below (7) – save this file to your computer, adjusting the file name to reflect the correct month name (e.g. BalSht August 2020)
Feel free to click here to download a sample file to see if yours looks similar.
Last month’s invoice count
Once you’ve launched Accredo, click on the Reports tab, open the Invoicing System folder, open the Invoice Reports folder, and click on the Invoice Status screen (1). In Type, make sure only Invoice is checked (2), in Post Status make sure only Posted is checked (3), in Invoices choose Period (4) and in From Period choose the month you would like to count your invoices for (5). Finally, click Run (6)
The count of unique invoices raised during the month will be at the end of the report and is defined as # Records Printed (7)